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European Wolves-mythology and folklore

The Stereotypical images of a Wolf (Image generated by Nigel Pye) Wolves have been a part of European mythology and folklore for thousands of years, with many cultures viewing them as powerful and mysterious creatures. In this blog, we will explore the role of wolves in mythology throughout Europe's history, from ancient times to the present day. Ancient Greece In Greek mythology, wolves were seen as symbols of power, cunning, and bravery. The most famous myth involving wolves in Greek mythology is the story of the founding of Rome.  Romulus and Remus  were raised by a she-wolf According to legend, the twins Romulus and Remus were abandoned in the wilderness as infants and were raised by a she-wolf. This image of a wolf nursing and protecting human babies became a popular motif in later art and literature. The Greek god Apollo was also associated with wolves, as he was said to have turned a group of sailors into wolves as punishment for their disrespect. Wolves were also believed t

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